Why memorial jewellery with fingerprints is priceless?

Why memorial jewellery with fingerprints is priceless?

Time, as we all know, is a ruthless life companion. In moments of pain and grief, we rely on the passage of time to alleviate the pain. At the same time, we rightly wonder if our memories of our loved ones will fade over the years. Nowadays, we record almost every step of our lives in photos, videos, and messages, and this certainly makes it easier to preserve the memory of our loved ones. There are no clear, universal rules – we all associate memories with a variety of moments, objects and places. These are all parts of a memory, priceless and personal.

For someone, the memory will be preserved in the most ordinary, everyday object, the significance of which is known and understandable only to that person. To us, outside observers, it may never be clear how a particular item has acquired such a unique status. This is the greatness and importance of personal items, which exude memories of a person who is no longer with us.

One such item is certainly a piece of memorial jewellery with a fingerprint or a baby’s footprint. A unique feature of our loved one is preserved in a carefully crafted piece of jewellery of inestimable personal value. A piece of memory that you can wear as a pendant on a necklace or as a ring or cuff. You can combine memorial jewellery with existing jewellery pieces, so you can put the pendant on a necklace that you may have inherited from your loved one. And every time you touch this piece of memorial jewellery you will feel the presence of those who are no more with you, but are forever here, close to your heart.

If you choose Jewel Concepts to make your memorial jewellery, we will keep your memory safe and alive, as if it were our own.  If at a later date, you wish to make the same piece of jewellery for yourself or another family member, friend or relative, you can contact us and we will gladly help.