How do I make a good print?

These are the instructions for using our special Jewel Concepts printing set, which is available in three variants (fingerprint, footprint and paw print). The tips listed here should also work for any kind of print taking method, which includes using an office ink-pad. However, we do recommend using special print sets for best quality prints for your fingerprint jewellery:

  1. Dry your finger (baby foot or pet paw) well.
  2. Open the Ink Tissue and place it flat, for example on the edge of a table.
    Also, lay the stickers flat.
  3. Hold your finger straight and press it straight down, gently on the black Ink Tissue. CAUTION, do not roll or slide your finger, baby’s foot or pet’s paw!
  4. Lift your finger and then press it gently onto the sticker, straight down. CAUTION, do not roll or slide!

See below for fingerprint jewellery print examples.

How to make a good fingerprint

For the next print, start again at step 4.

Make at least 2 good prints from the same finger.

The special ink can easily be removed with water.

Place the sticker with the best print on the card and fill in your details on it.

How to make a good fingerprint? -